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Basic assertions

Checking equality

Like any other testing library, Earl supports checking for value equality. In fact, Earl has three validators for this task, namely toEqual, toLooseEqual, and toExactlyEqual.

Out of the three, toEqual is the one you will use most of the time. It is used for objects and primitives, employs a deep equality algorithm, checks prototypes, and supports matchers. It is also type-safe, so you can't compare a number to a string.

Sometimes you might want to compare two objects without checking prototypes or types. In that case, you can use toLooseEqual. It is a version of toEqual that is not type-safe and doesn't care about prototypes. Like toEqual, it also supports matchers.

Finally, if you want to check for reference equality, you can use toExactlyEqual. It uses a strict equality check, and we recommend only using it for objects, as for primitives it works the same as toEqual.

Here are some examples of the different cases:

class Vector {
  constructor(public x: number, public y: number) {}

// deeply check values, TypeScript types and prototypes
expect(new Vector(1, 2)).toEqual(new Vector(1, 2))

// only deeply check values
expect(new Vector(1, 2)).toLooseEqual({ x: 1, y: 2 })

// only check reference equality
const v = new Vector(1, 2)

To learn about matchers check out the Using matchers guide.

Checking types

Earl also provides a few validators for checking types. The most common one is toBeA, which checks if the value is an instance of the given constructor. It also works for primitives; for example, passing Number checks if the value is a number. Alongside toBeA, Earl also provides toBeFalsy, toBeTruthy, and toBeNullish.

Here's an example of how to use them:

expect(new Date()).toBeA(Date)



Comparing numbers

A lot of the testing that we do comes down to comparing numbers. Earl provides a few validators for this task, namely toBeCloseTo, toBeBetween, toBeGreaterThan, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual, toBeLessThan, and toBeLessThanOrEqual. All of them, except toBeCloseTo, support both numbers and bigints.

Working with number validators is really easy:

// 0.30000000000000004
expect(0.1 + 0.2).toBeCloseTo(0.3, 0.0001)

// you can freely mix numbers and bigints
expect(32.5).toBeBetween(16n, 64n)


Inspecting strings and containers

In TypeScript, there are many options for storing groups of values. Earl makes working with them easy by providing a few validators for them. Here's a list of all the validators that Earl provides for containers:

  1. toBeEmpty, which checks if the container is empty. It works for sets, maps, arrays, and strings.
  2. toHaveLength, which checks if the container has the given length. It works for strings and arrays. It also supports matchers.
  3. toInclude, which checks if the container includes the given value or values. It works for sets, maps, arrays, and strings. It also supports matchers and passing multiple values.
  4. toEqualUnsorted, which checks if the array has the same values as another array without worrying about the order.
  5. toMatchRegex, which checks if the string matches the given regular expression.
// Sets
expect(new Set()).toBeEmpty()
expect(new Set([1, 2, 3])).toInclude(2, 3)

// Maps
expect(new Map()).toBeEmpty()

// Arrays
expect([1, 2, 3]).toHaveLength(expect.greaterThan(2))
expect([1, 2, 3]).toInclude(2, 3)
expect([1, 2, 3]).toEqualUnsorted([3, 2, 1])

// Strings
expect('I love Earl').toMatchRegex(/Earl/)

Negating validators

Very often, instead of expecting a validator to pass, we actually want to expect it to fail. Earl makes this easy by providing a not property on all validators. This property is a function that returns a new validator that negates the original one.


Custom validators

Earl provides more validators than the ones listed above. To see the full list, please check out the API reference.

If you find that you want to check something that Earl doesn't provide a validator for, you can easily work around this by using toSatisfy or by registering your own validator.


Registering a validator is explained in the Extending Earl advanced guide.

Released under the MIT License.