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Using matchers

Matchers are used to make more complex assertions in combination with validators, especially when dealing with dynamic or non-deterministic values. They are never used alone, but rather within validators like toEqual. Every matcher has a corresponding validator.

Matchers for types

Matchers can be used to verify the types of values:

  answer: 42,
  question: 'everything',
  book: {
    title: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy",
  answer: expect.a(Number),
  question: expect.a(String),
  book: expect.anything(),

Some interesting matchers for types include:

  • expect.a(type)
  • expect.anything()
  • expect.defined()
  • expect.nullish()
  • expect.falsy()
  • expect.truthy()

Matchers for numbers

Matchers are very useful for comparing numbers, especially when you don't know the exact value. For example, you might want to check if a number is between two other numbers, or if it is close to another number. Earl provides a few matchers for this task:

  • expect.between(min, max)
  • expect.closeTo(target, delta)
  • expect.greaterThan(target)
  • expect.greaterThanOrEqual(target)
  • expect.lessThan(target)
  • expect.lessThanOrEqual(target)

All of them except expect.closeTo support both numbers and bigints.

Here's an example of how to use them:

expect({ x: 420, y: 69 }).toEqual({
  x: expect.greaterThan(100n),
  y: expect.closeTo(70, 2),

Matchers for strings and containers

Containers and strings are also very common types that you might want to compare. In earl working with those values is very easy:

  name: 'John',
  friends: new Set(['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie']),
  enemies: [],
  name: expect.regex(/^[A-Z][a-z]+$/),
  friends: expect.includes('Alice', 'Bob'),
  enemies: expect.empty(),

Some interesting matchers for strings and containers include:

  • expect.empty()
  • expect.includes(...values)
  • expect.length(length)
  •, value?)
  • expect.regex(regex)

Custom matchers

Earl provides more matchers than the ones listed above. To see the full list, please check out the API reference.

If you find that you want to check something that Earl doesn't provide a matcher for, you can easily work around this by using expect.satisfies(predicate) or by registering your own matcher.

expect({ x: 1, y: 2 }).toEqual({
  x: 1,
  y: expect.satisfies(myCustomCheck),

Registering a matcher is explained in the Extending Earl advanced guide.

Released under the MIT License.